5 Practical Back-to-School Gifts for Teachers from Elementary School Kids

5 Practical Back-to-School Gifts for Teachers from Elementary School Kids

5 Practical Back-to-School Gifts for Teachers from Elementary School Kids

As the new school year approaches, we asked five experts from the fields of education and business for their practical gift suggestions that elementary school kids could bring their new teachers. From the essential paper products to promoting health with a snack assortment, discover the thoughtful and practical gifts these professionals recommend.

  • Gift of Essential Paper Products
  • Appreciation Through Gift Cards
  • Expressing Gratitude with Thank-You Cards
  • Classroom Supply Survival Kit
  • Promoting Health with Snack Assortment

Gift of Essential Paper Products

A practical back-to-school gift that elementary school kids could bring their new teachers is paper products. As a former kindergarten teacher and current middle school teacher, I can attest that the best gifts I ever received were paper products. This might sound boring, but schools often don’t provide quality paper products, so a nice box of tissues or paper towels goes a long way.

Students frequently have runny noses and many children have chronic allergies. They need to blow their noses, and many cry if they have to use the rough tissues provided by the school. I try to buy them, but they are not often in my budget.

If you’re looking for a practical gift, I highly suggest paper towels or a box of tissues.

Valerie de la Rosa Valerie De La Rosa, Teacher, Educational Consultant, Blogger, The Weary Educator

Appreciation Through Gift Cards

As a former teacher, gift cards to Target or Starbucks were always a preferred gift, along with hand-written notes from students. Teachers often spend a significant amount of their own money to make students feel special, so gift cards are an excellent way to express gratitude.

Kelly JacksonKelly Jackson
CEO, Tutor Coop

Expressing Gratitude with Thank-You Cards

A thoughtful and inexpensive back-to-school gift that kids can give their new teacher is a thank-you card, accompanied by a heartfelt message from the parent. This simple gesture will make the teacher feel appreciated and valued, and the parent can express their gratitude inside the card. This will help the teacher remember and think fondly of the child whenever they are in class, and they may even pay extra attention to the children, knowing that they are appreciated.

A thank-you card is simple and inexpensive. It also doesn’t require any wrapping, and it’s not too over the top, where the teacher might feel like you’re trying to influence your kids’ academics with fancy gifts.

Additional thank-you cards can be given on every holiday, helping you stay top of mind without being overwhelming. This way, your child will also remain in the teacher’s thoughts during their lessons, improving their success rate as a student.

AL Tran Al Tran, Realtor, Blogger, Author, DS Inspire

Classroom Supply Survival Kit

One practical back-to-school gift that elementary school kids could bring their new teachers is a classroom supply survival kit. This kit would contain various essential items such as sticky notes, dry erase markers, paper clips, and thumbtacks, neatly organized in a small box or container. While it may seem unconventional for students to gift supplies to their teachers, this thoughtful gesture serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it shows appreciation and support for the teacher’s hard work by lessening their burden of purchasing supplies out of their own pocket. Secondly, having an extra supply of commonly used items readily available in the classroom can significantly improve.

Steve DinelliSteve Dinelli
Founder, MarketerInterview.com

Promoting Health with Snack Assortment

A healthy-snacks assortment is a practical back-to-school gift that elementary school kids could bring their new teachers. It shows consideration for the teacher’s well-being and can contribute to a positive and healthy classroom environment. The assortment can consist of items like granola bars, dried fruits, nuts, and other nutritious snacks. This gift not only serves as a thoughtful gesture but also provides the teacher with convenient and healthy options to keep them energized throughout the day. Additionally, it promotes the importance of nutritious eating habits among young students.

Yoana Wong
Co-Founder, Secret Florists

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